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Comment for Alternative Fuel Incentives (25mill07) - Non-Reg.

First NameKristen
Last NameQuay
SubjectPlease Fund the BioFuel Oasis
Dear CARB,

I write to ask you to fund the Biofuel Oasis biodiesel fueling
station in Berkeley.  As a Founding Member of this station, I feel
especially strongly that it grow and continue to fuel the kind of
change the California needs to reduce its use of fossil fuels and
improve air quality.

The Biofuel Oasis is an extremely important station to biodiesel
users of the Bay Area.  It is the only place to buy biodiesel at a
public pump in the Bay Area, and in the four years that I have been
a member, I have watched it grow, and grow better, with hundreds of
new members who rely on it for their fueling needs.  BioFuel Oasis
is a local, women-owned business.  When I buy from them, I know I
am supporting the local economy and making California a better
place for everyone who lives here.  Simply put, this station is
making a huge difference to the people and air quality of

It is extremely important that the new station be launched as
planned this summer. The planned new station will be in a more
convenient location, will make biodiesel more visible to the
thousands of people per day who pass by on the busy Ashby
corridor, will help revitalize an underutilized area of Berkeley,
and will expand the times of day that we can fuel up, reducing
congestion at the crowded station and making the fuel we rely on
more accessible.

The people who depend on the Biofuel Oasis for their fuel need you
to approve a grant to help fund the new station in Berkeley. 
Please do not leave this important station out of your funding
cycle. The Oasis is already the hub of the biofuel movement in the
Bay Area. The Oasis and the people it serves are worthy of a
larger, more accessible station to support and grow this movement.
This is an opportunity we cannot afford to lose.

Thank you,

Kristen Quay

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-05-22 14:00:41

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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