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Comment for Alternative Fuel Incentives (25mill07) - Non-Reg.

First NameFreeman
Last NameNg
Subjectfunding for BioFuel Oasis biodiesel station
Hi. I'm writing in support of funding for fueling infrastructure at
BioFuel Oasis's new site on 1441 Ashby in Berkeley. As they are the
only source of commercial biodiesel in the Bay Area (not to mention
one of the few sources of B99 in California) and given their
current very limited facility, this would greatly increase the
accessibility and visibility of biodiesel in the Bay Area.

I currently own two biodiesel cars, and know many others who are
interested in this option. You can also gauge the level of public
interest by noting how many car sellers on Craig's List tout their
cars as good candidates for biodiesel conversion. That they would
think this an important selling point suggests that there are a
lot of buyers in the area considering it.

The great thing about biodiesel is that it does not depend on
federal mandates about the national gasoline supply, or on
engineering by the big automakers. Rather, any private citizen can
decide to have the simple modifications done on their existing
diesel automobile, and any small entrepreneur -- like the locally
owned BioFuel Oasis -- can set up shop to process the fuel. (In
this case, from locally obtained, recycled vegetable oil.) 

Helping to enable BioFuel Oasis's move to a facility where they
will be able to maintain normal business hours and accommodate
more traffic can only accelerate the public awareness, acceptance,
and embrace of alternative fuels in general and this one especially
excellent choice in particular.

Thank you.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-05-22 17:15:54

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