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Comment for Alternative Fuel Incentives (25mill07) - Non-Reg.

First NameKenny
Last NameWalker
SubjectFunds for Biofuel Oasis
Dear California Air Resources Board,

I'm writing to you today to ask that you fund the Biofuel Oasis
station in Berkeley, CA.  I have been getting biofuel from this
station for 3 years and to my knowledge it is the only place in
the bay area (and anywhere close to the Sacramento Valley) to
purchase biodiesel. As I understand it, these funds will be used
to create a new, much-needed facility for Biofuel Oasis and the
new location will make biodiesel much more accessible, not only to
the Bay Area, but to travelers on the busy I-80 corridor.

BioFuel Oasis is a exemplar grass roots business that deserves
governmental support.  Small, locally-owned and women-owned
businesses are rare and their pioneering efforts should be
rewarded.  Biofuel Oasis consistently strives to make biodiesel as
locally as possible from recycled vegetable oil.  For the past
year, all the biodiesel they've sold has been made in California
from recycled vegetable oil.

I realize you're considering a number of ethanol stations for your
funding as well.  While it's true that the majority of gas vehicles
will be able to use ethanol and not biodiesel, the use of biodiesel
in a per gallon comparison with ethanol,translates into lower
carbon dioxide/greenhouse gas emissions and lower particulates,
which means cleaner air and less global warming.  Many studies
done here at UC Davis and at the University of Minnesota have
shown that biodiesel is a much better alternative fuel for
decreasing green-house gas emissions.  Ethanol burns nearly twice
as fast as biofuel and with little reduction in green house gasses
compared to biofuel.  Diesel engines are much more efficient when
cosuming fuel.  Though there are not many diesel cars available
now, it's hard to imagine cars getting the soon to be required
35mpg without a change to clean, efficient diesel technology.  I
encourage you to look at the research yourself from the Naional
Biodiesel Board at:  

If not for these reasons, at least make your funding
representative of the consumer base and fund at least one
biodiesel station out of 10 stations. 

I work for UC Davis and I've talked with a number of fleet staff
who consider using biodiesel if they could somehow get a hold of
it.  Biofuel Oasis has that potiental and I would look forward to
using biofuel in our company diesel trucks.
As of now I only run biofuel in my personal truck and car.  But
having tried ethanol, I am convinced that biofuel is the cleanest,
cheapest, most efficient way to fuel my vehicles.

Thank You for your consideration to this matter.

Kenny Walker

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-05-22 18:29:57

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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