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Comment for Alternative Fuel Incentives (25mill07) - Non-Reg.

First NameJolie
Last NameGinsburg
SubjectBiofuel Oasis funding
To Whom It May Concern:

It is really important to me and to the people of California that
CARB fund the BioFuel Oasis biodiesel fueling station in Berkeley.
 I notice that a number of ethanol stations are being funded, which
I think is great, but I think it would be better to have a variety
of fuels available.  There are a large and growing number of
passenger vehicles as well as fleets and transit vehicles that
have diesel engines.  These vehicles need a place to get
alternative fuels as well.

I have watched the BioFuel Oasis grow over the past 3 years and is
the only place to buy biodiesel at a public pump in the Bay Area. 
They have a successful record of supplying biodiesel and the new
location will make biodiesel much more accessible, not only to the
Bay Area, but to travelers on the busy I-80 corridor. 

BioFuel Oasis is a small, locally-owned and women-owned business
with the money staying in the state and local community. 
A major benefit of their philosophy is to strive to get biodiesel
made as locally as possible from recycled vegetable oil.  For the
past year, all the biodiesel sold has been made in California from
recycled vegetable oil. 
The use of biodiesel translates into lower carbon
dioxide/greenhouse gas emissions and lower particulates, which
means cleaner air and less global warming. 

As a business owner, I have a fleet of 8 vehicles that run on B99
(99% Biodiesel), we use between 500-1500 gallons of fuel per
month, just over 13,000 gallons in 2006, which is displacing
petroleum diesel usage and resulting in the cleaner emissions
described above. 

Making Biodiesel accessible daily and for extended hours, much
like a normal fueling station would increase the number of users
and make it so that many current users do not have to use
petroleum diesel when they run low on fuel.  This solution is
better for people's health, the environment, and the community.

I look forward to seeing what your decision on the grant will be.

Jolie Ginsburg
Incredible Adventures Co-Owner
Local San Francisco Tour Operator

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-05-22 11:04:47

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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