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Comment for Alternative Fuel Incentives (25mill07) - Non-Reg.

First NameJason
Last NameAgar
SubjectApproval for BioFuels Oasis
I am writing you at CARB to support funding for the BioFuels Oasis
in Berkeley, CA.  I believe that having a readily available source
of Bio Diesel is a very important for meeting clean air standards
and combating global climate change. Because of it's low toxicity,
low flash point and  in car clean burning combustion bio diesel is
a superior fuel.  The new location for the Oasis is close the
interstate 80 and would be an important source of fuel for people
passing through and in the bay area.  The BioFuels Oasis offers
fuel made from recycled vegetable oil at ASTM standards and has
been an excellent resource for the bay area community of biodiesel
users. Being an all women workers collective they have demonstrated
the kind of innovative thinking and leadership that has been a
model for other creative and collaborative fueling projects aimed
at addressing pressing relevant global issues nationally.

Bio diesel is a far more sustainable fuel choice compared to
ethanol-it takes less energy to produce, especially when made from
recycled oil-  and fuels engines that get much better fuel economy
that standard gasoline type engines.   

I would very much like to see the Biodiesel Oasis group receive
funding from CARB.  I understand that all of the proposed funded
projects involve ethanol. Personally, I see this as a huge
mistake. Given new clean burning diesel engine technologies
including diesel hybrid passenger cars, I think the our state
should make available the opportunities for people to make use of
these new innovations as they come available.   

Thank you for your time,

Jason Agar
2055 42nd Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94116

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-05-22 19:59:08

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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