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Comment for Proposed Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations (accii2022) - 45 Day.

First NameMichael
Last NameChiacos
Subject100% EV sales by 2030, please!

Dear CA Air Resources Board,

California can move much faster on zero-emission vehicles. Many automakers have already set goals of selling 100% EVs by 2030 or 2035, and are moving faster in Europe and China. Let's make them move fast here as well. CARB setting standards that lag the market would be a huge waste of resources - the automakers can move faster if CARB requires it.

This is also a huge equity issue. When CARB forces manufacturers to offer clean cars, they have to offer better pricing, as we saw with great deals on Nissan Leafs, Chevy Bolts, and Fiat 500es. Also, by accelerating EV sales there will be more model availability as well as used EVs for lower income Californians to chose from. Californians need alternatives to paying $6 gas now and in the future.

I urge you to restore California’s leadership on clean cars by accelerating the state’s transition to 100% electric vehicles and strengthening requirements on new gas-powered vehicles.

Climate pollution from gas-powered cars and trucks makes up 40% of total greenhouse gas emissions in California. These vehicles are a massive driver of the climate emergency, devastating our state with deadlier, more damaging wildfires, heat waves, and drought. 

Historically, we’ve led the nation on setting strong auto emissions standards — but the current clean cars proposal falls short of the climate action we need.

If we don’t reach 100% zero-emission vehicle sales until 2035, it will be too late for California to meet its goal of carbon neutrality by 2045, since many new vehicles last 20 years or longer. Moving that target to 2030 will give our state a better chance of meeting its climate goals and remaining a global leader on clean cars.

And until we reach that target in 2030, California can’t ignore the climate-damaging emissions from new gas cars. We need to take immediate action to make sure they emit less pollutants as they drive our roads for decades.

This action is also critical to protect the health of communities hit hardest by tailpipe pollution. Cancer-causing vehicle exhaust harms people's health and particularly hurts low-income communities of color near congested freeways.

California must lead the way with strong policy solutions to end tailpipe pollution and build an environmentally just transportation system. New clean car standards must ensure equitable access to electric vehicles.

We urge you to adopt strong clean car rules that require:

• 100% zero-emission vehicle sales by 2030.
• 7% annual pollution cuts from gas-powered cars in the meantime.
• Mandatory equity commitments to ensure that communities most affected by pollution benefit from electric vehicles first and foremost.

This transition is a tremendous opportunity to create family-supporting, high-road jobs for Californians. We urge you to seize this moment and adopt nation-leading clean car standards that slash climate pollution, ensure equity, and promote good jobs.


Michael Chiacos
Santa Barbara, CA 93101

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-05-17 16:28:49

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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