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Comment 59 for Proposed Advanced Clean Cars II Regulations (accii2022) - 45 Day.

First NameBonnie
Last NameLee
SubjectGoing Foward with Electric Cars is an Smart Financial Choice

CA is all about innovation and one of the next innovation in transportation is to move away from combustion and relying on drilling for oil and instead move towards electrical motors and renewable energy. 

Since we have heavily relied on gasoline consumption for over a hundred years, what was once thought as an inexhaustable resource, is now seen as a heavily priced (greater than $6/gal), highly regulated (causes air pollution, drilling spillages in oceans, & decreases quality of life), and sourced from possibly from questionable regions with questionable human rights principles (Russia, Saudi Arabia).

CA needs to move to the forefront of technology and innovation and encourage industries to create clean-air vehicles by 2030 and increase incentives for individuals as a psycological cue that is encouraging from top-down and bottoms-up approach.

Air pollution will be reduced not just in CA but for industries also involved with this effort of clean-air vehicles by 2030 and its alternatives. Less oil will be drilled to reduced oil spills, crude oil barges won't be shipped from overseas which can save transportation costs, & pollution will be reduced from not selling gasoline vehicles. There is potential to promote clean air and climate changes by encouraging locally generated electricity and from renewable sources (solar, geothermal, hydropower, wind turbines) & creating a better infrastructure (electricity, roads, WIFI) to connect everyone together.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-05-28 05:25:39

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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