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Comment 15 for Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation (acf2022) - 15-1.

First NameRick
Last NameThomas
SubjectAdvance Clean Fleet
  I just wanted to let you know that I have emailed the following
companies letting them know that I have came up with a way to
enhance their current technology allowing them to meet and accede
each and everyone of your expectation now and in the future.
   Those companies are Tesla inc, Hyliion Holding, Paccar inc,
Kenworth Inc, Peterbilt inc., Freightliner inc., International
inc., Volvo inc., and Cummins inc.
   I know from the article's I have read that they are complaining
about how they are not going to be able to comply with the new
rules that you are getting ready to implement in the ner future,
but each and everyone of those reasons that there usingof the
reason that they give for not being able to comply can be handled
and would no longer be an obstacles for them meetings your
   What I have come up with will work for Semi Trucks, Buses, and
Cars, It would eliminate the issue with using the power grid,
because they would be able to charge themselves as they travel, it
would eliminate the Battery issue because they would not need as
many batteries, and it would not increase that much on the price to
build them.
 The only reason I have been able to come up with of why they won't
respond back to my emails is because they will not be able to
charge their customers at the Charging Station, 
    All this when most of them have received grants to further this
technology but someone like me trying to help them advance even
more but they ignore my emails 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2023-04-01 08:33:22

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