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Comment 47 for Advanced Clean Fleets Regulation (acf2022) - 45 Day.

First NameAlfonso
Last NameCampos
SubjectDiesel Ban

The diesel ban that California continues to try to push is going to very negativley impact the state of California detrimentally. Truckers care about the enivornoment. However, the care we show for our environment must also be hand in hand with destroying livelihoods and industry. The trucking industry continues to get pummeled by regulation and laws to restrict it. Please remember that if you drive out truckers and small trucking firms no one will be around to deliver your food, diapers, medical supplies, building supplies, military goods and many other fundamental goods that keep this nation running. Trucking interfaces with EVERY industry and sector of the world. Please do not further destroy this industry and cause worsening supply chain issues by forcing drivers and small businesses to buy trucks that are hundreds of thousands of dollars out of reach that the infrastructure is simply not there for. The state does not even have the truck parking to support the charging stations. As it is Oakland is taking over 50 acres and turning into an A's baseball park. California needs to open it's eyes. You are going 100 miles and hour towards a brick wall...ignoring truckers please to stop. 

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-10-08 16:03:15

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