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Comment 2 for Open Comment for the August 25, 2022 Board Meeting (august2022opencomm) - Non-Reg.

First NameChristina
Last NameMcFarland
SubjectAs a Hispanic, I decline state statuer

Taxation without representation.

given history of party politicians, despite our Constitutional Republic, we are denied to follow our Constitution to uphold We the People to govern. It is our fault and The People allowed this through ignorant voting encouraged through politicians. Former President Adams expressed that well. 

However, you pay no attention to any citizen who doesn't have a piece of paper to distinguish professionalism regardless of knowing such parchment is not defined to the owners intelligence.


I decline to this states idealism. For illegals, as much as your words lack any backing, would hurt them. This action goes against your support for them. To include, working class, welfare government dependent class, and rich. Despite the rich denial, it must be true that no humans actually agrees with this stature. Unless l, their is another agenda, such as personal, political, and or corporate gain. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-08-25 09:29:30

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