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Comment 9 for Carb/Ejac Joint Meeting (carbejac090122) - Non-Reg.

First NameTed
Last NameFranklin
SubjectTwo minutes about the PERI Report
In lieu of speaking at the meeting, I am sharing what I would have

I'm speaking today as a labor and climate activist and an advocate
for the California Climate Jobs Plan.  

I was very encouraged today to hear members of the EJAC
specifically point the Board in the direction of the Political
Economy Research Institute Report, referred to by some of us as the
California Climate Jobs Plan.

I want to underscore how valuable the Climate Jobs Plan can be as
your work goes forward.  

If there are going to be real reductions in California's fossil
fuel industry, we are talking about major social and economic

We need a vision and a plan for workers and working class

The CARB scoping plan does not address this.  

The only union mentioned in the draft scoping plan is the European

We can help you with that.  

In June, 138 rank-and-file trade unionists sent the Board the
178-page PERI report and a comment letter pleading for CARB to
incorporate the Plan into its final report.

The Climate Jobs Plan explains how California can manage a just and
equitable transition away from fossil fuels, produce one million
new jobs per year, and take care of all the workers and working
class communities that are currently supported by wages and
revenues from the fossil fuel industry.  

The Peri Report has been endorsed by over two dozen unions,
including unions representing refinery workers. It was drafted by a
team led by the distinguished economist Robert Pollin at the
University of Massachusetts.

You can find the full PERI report attached to the earlier comment I
submitted for this meeting. 

Thank you. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-09-01 17:33:56

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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