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Comment 30 for Climate change early actions (ccea2) - Non-Reg.

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Last Namebrody
Subjectproprosed truck equipment requirements
The proposed requirements for trailer fairings, single wide tires,
5-minute idling rule will substantially reduce the number of
trucks willing to come to CA to deliver or pick up freight.  A
better solution is to require that every driver licensed in CA go
to a state-acredited driving school and charge $2500 for the
license. In conjunction, heavy investment in the infrastructure of
public transportation would have to be made.  At one time, LA had a
wonderful public transit system until the oil companies bought it
out and suubsequently dismantled it.  Create land use laws that
state that if land can be used for agriculture and/or recreation,
it cannot be used for development thus forcing  construction of
more condos/apartments.  Deeply regulate the condo/apts so that
tenants/owners are not unfaily victimized. Provide incentives for
older buildings to be renovated/replaced in city cores.  Enact
impact laws that require a certain amount of green space for so
many occupied units.  All these measures would significantly
reduce the amount of greenhouse gases CA produces each year.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2007-09-22 11:01:27

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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