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Comment 1129 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameCharles
Last NameFouquette
AffiliationSan Diego Anglers
SubjectCarb Emmisions of Sport fishing boats
Why would a group of legislators and Senators allow a group of
people to regulate something as stupid as requireing a boat to have
a Tier 4 Motor that has not been invented yet. 
Just maybe you should forget the ENVIROMENTALST for a while and
look at how many people you will hurt. Maybe you should look at who
pays the Taxes in this state. The people that are stirring the pot
are often not state of California Citizens.They do not give one
hoot about who will be out of a job  ,loose their investment or
loose their homes. The other issue is poorer people can go fishing
and pick up a bit of protein on a half day boat and take their
children. But not after these regulations are in affect. I know
that some one up in Sacramento is Intelligent enough to figure out
a alternitive to the problem. If not then over the next ten years
we will develop a vacancy in their offices.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-14 14:06:53

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