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Comment 1294 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameDan
Last NameCopp
SubjectSport Fishing Fleet
The proposed rules for Commercial Harbor Craft is just another
money grab by the politicians in Sacramento. This new regulation
will not help clean up the air in California. If you want cleaner
air, then shutdown the container ships that are delivering goods
from overseas, and stop this anchoring of ships off the coast of
California while they wait to offload. The amount of pollution that
one ship generates while anchored within 5 miles of the coast is
more than all of the commercial harbor craft in the entire state.
Currently there are 65 plus ships anchored off the Port of Los
Angeles and the Port of Long Beach, and the high sulfur, impure
under refined bunker oil that they power the ships onboard
generators with is a gross source of pollution. This out of control
situation is generating in excess of 50 years worth of pollution,
and nothing is being done about it. 
This is the area that needs your attention, not the Sport Fishing
Fleet in California. 
The Sportfishing Industry is a recreation and it is here that the
following generations will be able to enjoy the harbors and ocean
along the California coast. 
What CARB is trying to do is target an industry in hopes of
shutting it down, unlike other businesses that have left California
the Sport Fishing Fleet can't pack up and relocate.
The whole approach is bad for businesses that support Fishing and
sightseeing in our coastal waters. 

Dan Copp

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-19 10:47:30

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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