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Comment 1666 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameWesley
Last NameChuang
SubjectRegulate diesel harbor craft emissions
I am writing to bring attention to the victims of this supply chain
crisis close to home. 

Diesel harbor crafts are one of the top three cancer risks in port
communities in the County of Los Angeles where I live as a result
of their particulate matter emissions. ​

While California claims to be a leader on climate action
(California should get an ego check. We are not doing enough to
back up or claim and offset the outsized offshored true negative
impact. We are dangerously getting to close to complacency), we
continue to concentrate negative impacts in low-income frontline
and fenceline environmental justice communities often BIPOC who
cannot afford to treat their symptoms, obtain air filters, move
away to places with cleaner air; possess the resources, capital,
knowledge, guidance in their native language and culture and
therefore interest and sense of urgency to participate in public
input. This essentially means they do not have adequate
opportunities to participate in public input but rather delegating
crucial life-and-death decisions to industries and politicians who
do not have their best interests in mind. 

We need to strengthen the rules to eliminate fossil fuel pollution
and advance zero-emissions technologies that already exist.​

I urge the Board to require a 100% zero-emissions transition for
the majority of harbor crafts by 2035, including tugboats and
barges, which are excluded from the current rule.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-27 10:52:34

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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