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Comment 1698 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameSalvador
Last NameRocha
SubjectEmissions regulations on passenger vessels
To whom it may concern,
I would like to start by saying that I agree with having cleaner
burning engines and better environmental practices for our future. 
I do not agree with the approach of the current regulation sought
after.   I  the owner of a 55 foot sport fishing vessel that I have
worked 20 years to be able to finally purchase my own three years
ago    I look in the harbor I work in and see hundreds of boats
tied up to docks and there are 8 sport boats that would be tied up.
  Why does this not effect the commercial and personal watercraft ?
 We are coast guard inspected vessels with generally the best
technology available for marine safe engines.  If this law should
pass the only thing this would do is destroy jobs and the
collateral damage to surrounding small businesses that depend on
passenger watercraft would be catastrophic   The boats would sell
and continue to operate outside California's harsh regulations
making this regulation only to destroy what makes California a
special state.  If you wish to pass a law like this make it for
everyone, not just a singled out industry.  I also have questions
as to where the data was used to make the assumptions on
particulates and amounts of fuel burned per vessel and the
pollution that they produce?   I have operated sport boats since
1999 and have never once had someone inquire about what, where ,
and how many hours we operate in a year.  I hope someone will come
to their senses and rethink this and move foreword with it when the
technology is readily available and tested and proven worthy of the
safety of the passengers onboard.   Or better yet how about
offering some grants and financial avenues for the industry to make
it feel a little bit more reachable for vessel owners   Hope the
considerations will be looked all from all angles.  


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-01 07:54:51

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