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Comment 2191 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameChris
Last NameAlcaraz
SubjectSave Sportfishing
Good morning CARB, 
I am a life long hunter/fisherman/outdoorsman. I no longer own my
own fishing boat, so I rely solely on the sportfishing industry to
take me fishing and participate in an outdoor activity that I truly
enjoy with all my heart! One that I've passed on to my sons and now
my grandson, so that we can keep alive something that is truly
unique and American! In an age where too many hunters and fisherman
are working, in my opinion, against our community with negative
comments and opinions all in the name of protecting their "favorite
honey holes." I, for one, have always felt that we don't need to
chase new hunters & fisherman away but rather embrace and recruit
them to join the fraternity! We don't need less, we need MORE! And
now we are faced with opposition from another front. Shutting down
sport boat owners/captains and putting them OUT OF BUSINESS! For
what?? Said sport boat captains & owners are the ones who ARE
protecting our waters, keeping them safe, clean, etc! IT'S THEIR
LIVELIHOOD! THEIR OFFICE! THEIR HOME!!! These are good people who
are just trying, like the rest of us, to make a living. So a man
who has owned a business for 30-40 years is suddenly told it's
being taken away??!! Are you serious??! Now what? As someone who
had to close a longtime/successful business, when the economy took
a dive, I can tell you firsthand, It's hard to live with.....and it
NEVER goes away! With all that we've gone through the last 2 years,
a lot of good people lost their livelihoods.......let's not lose
more!! Please can we just come to our senses?!! 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-04 08:19:25

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