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Comment 254 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First Namejohn
Last Namepetronovich
Affiliationlifelong California resident
SubjectRidiculous rules
Let me start with saying i'm all for cleaning up the air.We've made
great strides in doing so the last forty years.My newer vehicles
that run on gasoline barely create anything smog wise.I've seen the
smog test results and in one category it makes ZERO PPM of
pollution,the other two categories created ONE PPM for each ! If
that isn't clean what is ? Now to focus on the sportboat industry
is ridiculous.Most of those boats don't even run trips six months
out of the year.I can tell you from fishing on them for almost 50
years that they no longer produce smoke or smell from the diesel
fuel they burn.Why pick on such a small group ? How about going
after the thousands of diesel trucks that come across our border
every day ? I see a lot of these trucks billowing smoke along the
freeway.Go after Mexico and their laxed pollution laws and how it
ultimately effects us here.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-04 11:15:18

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