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Comment 2360 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameGary
Last NameBrennan

As president of the San Diego County Wildlife Federation, A
coalition of sporting groups representing 20,000 San Diego County
residents, I am urging you to back off on the proposed emission
regulations regarding our states sportsfishing, whale watching and
scuba diving fleet boats. By your own omission, the technologies do
not exist which would bring the fleet within the guidelines you are
proposing. This will be the demise of the fleet as we know it.

CARB's regulations will have the unintended consequence of denying
millions of Californians access to the sea as commercial passenger
boat owners go out of business. CARB's failure to consult with the
CDFW to determine what impact declining fishing participation rates
could have on conservation and fishery programs, both offshore and
inland. Both fishing license sales and a federal excise tax on
fishing tackle and boat fuel fund many of CA DFW's environmental
programs with the Federal Government matching $3 for every state
dollar contributed.

Boat owners will go out of business because they will not want to
put millions of dollars into boat modifications which are only
temporary until CARB lowers the emission standards to zero in 2025.
CARB should lengthen the timeline for modifications of existing
engines at least until the modifications actually exist.

With fishing participation at an all time high, The new standards
will crush the industry. If that is the desired outcome, then we
still urge you to slow down the implementation of the regulations
until the technology catches up.


Gary F. Brennan
President, San Diego County Wildlife Federation

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-05 10:49:57

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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