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Comment 2410 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First Namedoug
Last Namedean
Subjectregulation overreach
to: The clerk of the board: Sir; This is in response to the
existing political atmosphere in California, which can apparently
do only one thing well- to whit, interfere with the pursuit of
happiness and at the same time, making a living of the tax paying
citizens this state depends on to support this incredible balloon
of incompetence hovering over us. Your proposed rules and
regulations concerning charter boats and their ability to eke out a
living are nothing short of dasterdly, a term I had never thought
would apply in this day and age. However, we witness that day and
age have no restraint on bureaucrats doing their best to skim every
dollar possible from an economy that is perilously close to
collapsing. I have witnessed your desire to destroy the independent
trucking industry in favor of the large transportation combines,
and the death of the supply line we are all experiencing is the
result. tens of thousands of truckers have left the industry, which
was your intended result, however, as we see at all the ports, the
unintended consequence of your myopic actions have spelled disaster
for an entire nation. Since Politician's specialize in never
learning from their mistakes, you are blindly charging on, trying
to destroy the fishing and boating industries. as a mental
exercise, what do you suppose the consequences of that action would
be? Frankly, I prefer not to find out. Drop these ridiculous
proposals and crawl back under your rocks!

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-06 10:36:24

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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