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Comment 2521 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameBrian
Last NameWoolley
AffiliationCPFV boat captain
SubjectCHC2021 Harbor Craft designation
To whom it may concern-

I am a 45 year resident of the state of California and love living
here.  I have a career running a passenger fishing vessel and whale
watching boat in Dana Point , CA.  The business I work for is Dana
Wharf Sportfishing and they have been in business in South Orange
Country for 50 years and take thousands of people whale watching
and sportfishing each year.  

The proposed CARB designation of our fleet of already emission
compliant boats would be severely impacted by the new proposal. 
Our fleet of boats would be unable to make the huge and quite
honestly ridiculous retrofit changes to accommodate Tier 4 systems
that do not exist.  These changes would require major funding that
would I turn have to be passed on to our passenger base.  This
would take the affordability and value out of the equation for a
vast majority of our hard working passengers.  The financial impact
would be far reaching.  

Please reconsider your plans by not including whale watching boats,
CPFV charter boats in your designations with other harbor craft.  

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-09 07:07:40

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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