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Comment 2524 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

SubjectSportfishing should Not only be for the Very Weathy!
With the price of boats, gas, insurance, storage and maintenance,
the only people in San Diego who can afford to fish on theri own
boats are wealthy. 

Just 1 weekly trip on your own boat will cost est $2,000 per month
if you are financing a seaworthy vessle- maybe 1/2 of your annual

Coastal access to fishing is limited, impractical and offers
limited results. 

Offshore fishing on 'affordable' party boats allows you to fill
your freezer to offset the cost. 

The recent dramatic increase in ticket prices- due to expenses 
including bait, gas prices, labor costs and being forced to limit
loads due to the pandemic makes even this less expensive option
unaffordable for many. I now fish much less frequently as it costs
at least 30% more than pre-pandemic. I could take a kid fishing for
maybe $80 and now it is closer to $150!

The party boat operators are on a shoestring budget and do it out
of love for the sport and their customers. Nobody is getting rich
and most are just surviving.

Most are still using boats built in the 1940s-1970s with a rare
vessle built in recent decades. These boats will be virtually
worthless and have to be sold for scrap or to out of country

Forcing operators to buy new vessles or refit with new technology
will bankrupt almost all of them.  The few that may survive by
taking massive loans will be forced to raise prices so much they
will lose their customers.

No kids will fish. No busy working class folks will fish. There
will be no next generation of working class fishermen. Everyone
will just spend more time watching TV and less time appreciating

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-09 08:02:29

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