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Comment 2858 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameAmy
Last NameVolk
SubjectAmendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation
Dear Govt Officials and CARB,

I am writing to ask that you PLEASE reexamine your proposed new
engine mandate. Our fishermen have already suffered endless natural
and economic disasters and requiring them to BUY NEW FISHING
VESSELS because the engines you are mandating do not fit in their
boats is frankly insane. Why not wait to enact this type of mandate
until the technology exists? As you know, these engines are simply
too big and too heavy to fit in most existing engine rooms. To
suggest that captains should just "increase fares to make up the
cost" of buying a new boat to replace the perfectly operational
vessels is ludicrous. We all want clean air and a reduction in
greenhouse gases but we urge you to provide an alternative before
shutting down an entire industry. Fishemen care deeply about the
health of our oceans for obvious reasons. They can be stewarts and
partners if this transition is executed properly. 

Please stop and look closely at the lives that would be destroyed
by this knee jerk reaction to (albeit considerable) political
pressure.  We want changes to emission standards that yield
tangible results vs destroying the small fisheries who sustainably
feed Californians because they are easy pickings. 
Thank you very much,

Amy Cavanaugh-Volk
Lifelong Citizen of Northern California 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-13 14:34:11

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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