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Comment 2867 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameRichard
Last NameOsuna
SubjectCalifornia fishing boats
Talk about hurting  Californians.  We are overly required to pay
the highest price for hunting and fishing licenses compared to
other states.  Everything is going up for hunters and fishermen. I
would love to keep on taking my dons and nephews on ocean fishing
trips but I'm seeing that your proposed price hike for captains
having to purchase new boats or retrofit new engines means that
ticket prices will triple.   I and many other friends will not be
able to afford taking our kids out fishing nor ourselves because of
the high prices.  You will kill all recreation fishing   I wish I
could keep taking family to enjoy our oceans and fisheries.  I hope
you put a stop to this new law that you are trying to pass. I
understand that something needs to be done but there has to be a
better way to keep recreation fishing.   If this passes I know a
lot of family and friends will not purchase fishing licenses
anymore.  Since the whole family can't enjoy them nobody will. 
Please reconsider 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-13 15:34:50

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