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Comment 2876 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameDavid
Last NameBaum
As an avid fisherman and longtime CA resdient I am once again
disappointed to see  the politics and lobbying interests that
continue to try and reduce access to a resource called the Pacific
ocean! There seems to be no boundaries to the graft that continues
in CA management of it natural resources. We allow unregulated use
of water resources towards businesses that contribute less then 3%
of our GDP but continue to attack my right to a god given resource
called the Pacific ocean. At some point you need to be accountable
and reasonable which seems to to be out of of politicians way of
thinking and your greed with special interests. I will vote against
any of the candidates I can who continue to support the special
interests groups behind this. And yes, I do vote and don't forget.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-13 16:46:58

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