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Comment 331 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First Namepeter
Last Nameroder
SubjectSave our Sportfishing Boats
I am a life long fisherman who enjoys both fresh and saltwater
fishing. I am a boat owner, as well. I fish in the ocean on my boat
quite often. There are many times when my boat is not an option to
fish in the ocean. This may be due to rougher weather or the fact
that my target species is far out at sea. 
 I enjoy going out on the San Diego sport fishing fleet to target
those pelagic species. They are an integral part of the fishing
scene in southern California. I know dozens of fisher persons that
feel the same way and often fish on these boats alongside me. It
would be a disservice to the fishing community in southern
California to amend the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulations in the
proposed way. That action will negatively affect not only the
owners and operators of these sport fishing vessels, but also their
loyal customers. The opportunity to fish offshore on these larger
vessels is a an incredible opportunity and should be preserved not
hampered. The cost of these fishing trips is already high and the
proposed amendment to the regulations will only result in much
higher prices. This, in turn, will drive down the amount of anglers
who may not be able to afford the increased costs. 
 I am against these new regulations and I hope California Air
Resources Board will listen to the public outcry against the
proposed changes. Thank you for taking my comments. Steve Roder

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-04 12:01:09

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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