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Comment 3120 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameDarren
Last NameMiller
SubjectVote No on Proposed Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation
Hi, my name is Darren Miller.  I am a third generation San Diego
native and an avid waterman.  I have enjoyed the ocean with my
grandparents, my parents and now with my children.  Most of the
ocean trips that I have been on with my family have been on
commercial boats as they allow you to travel further offshore and
have a much safer and more comfortable experience.  These trips
have created numerous life long memories for our family and has led
to many great fish tales with the fish getting bigger in both size
and number each time we retell the tale.  

The proposed Amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation
will either force these commercial boats that families like mine
have enjoyed for years out of business or to make unnecessarily
expensive rebuilds to their boats that will likely triple the cost
of the tickets for their passengers, which by the way have already
increased due the recent increase in gas prices.  The increase in
ticket price as a result of the Proposed Amendments will make it so
that families like mine will no longer have access to the ocean. 
Just last week, I took my oldest son on his first ocean fishing
trip.  We had an amazing trip and we can't wait to schedule another
trip next year, and the year after, and so on.  

Please help ensure that families like mine can continue to enjoy
the ocean for years to come by voting against the proposed
Amendments.  Thank you, 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-11-15 13:19:06

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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