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Comment 557 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameFred A
Last NameSmith
Im a senior citizen that has fished up and down the coast of
California for over 60 years on hundreds of sport boats. The fish I
have caught have supplanted my wife and myself's food budget which
helps do to the fact that we're on a fixed income and with the
increase in the cost of food do to storage that the pandemic has
created. If the commercial harbor craft regulation passes this will
devastate the sport fishing industry and put several thousand
people out of work and the only ones fishing will be the
financially well off if we have any boats left to fish on. I have a
question if this bill passes where do you think these boats will
go? Im pretty sure they will be sold to the Mexico sport fishing
fleet and of course they will find there way back up the coast
fishing off the California coast. So my second question is what
have you folk accomplished? 
1. You have put several thousand people out of work!!
2. You have increased the cost of a sport fishing ticket out of
range for the average fisherman 
3. Fathers won't be able to take there kids fishing like there dads
did for them 
4. It's one more item removed from California to draw tourist to
our fine state
So I request that you folks search your souls and take a second
look at this regulation do you really want to see the fishing
industry disappear from our coast. I hope not, Thanks for reading
this !! 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-04 21:01:23

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