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Comment 676 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameGreg
Last NameMccloud
Affiliationrecreational fisherman
SubjectCARB mandates
 CARB must modify it's regulations to accommodate the CA. saltwater
sportfishing industry. There are tens of thousands of jobs at
stake, billions in revenue and loss of tax dollars to the state.
CA. is horribly over regulated and now poised to kill an industry
and a fishing way of life for millions of people. CARB must work
with the boat owners and State Legislature to find a reasonable
outcome to save the ocean sportfishing industry. It's ridiculous
laws like TIER 4 and others in this state that is causing an exodus
of residents. CA. lost 2 seats in the House of Representatives do
to over regulation, excessive taxation, highest gasoline prices in
the nation etc.  Do you really need to destroy sportfishing to
satisfy yourselves? The clean burning diesels in large sportfishing
boats now that AQMD heavily funded have completely removed the old
style "smokey" engines that were not computer controlled. Just
leave well enough alone. What about all the tug boats in our
shipping harbors that help bring imports  to our stores? Will you
stop them as well? That would put the U.S. economy into an
irreversible nose dive. Try using some common sense, if you have

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-05 16:37:40

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