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Comment 836 for Proposed Amendments to Commercial Harbor Craft Regulation (chc2021) - 45 Day.

First NameRobert
Last NameCass
SubjectCommerical Harbor Craft Regulation Proposed Amendments
To all who are concerned regarding this matter, 

I am sending this email to state my objections to these Proposed
Amendments to the Commercial Harbor Craft Regulations. This will
not only put many small and family owned businesses under large
financial stress or put them out of business. It will also cause
many people to be out of work and remove access to a way of life
for many people who fish to sustain a quality food source.

This also limits the people that go out on the ocean for health,
recreational, environmental service, religious and spiritual

I personal go out on the ocean to provide food for my family. Being
out on the ocean provides me with mental stimulation, relaxation,
and physical recharging. Being on the ocean is my personal
spiritual and religious right to do my ceremonial practice, my
Church/Temple in Nature. 

Please consider the people who you will affect their quality of
life, financially, sustainably, physically, mentally and
spiritually by putting the Proposed Amendments to the Commercial
Harbor Craft Regulations. People deserve to have quality of life. 

Thank you for considering my beliefs as to why passing these
regulation will hurt me as well as the many other people that are
writing concerning these changes.

Bob Cass 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2021-10-07 18:11:08

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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