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Comment 1 for Formaldehyde Emissions from Composite Wood Products (compwood07) - 15-1.

First NameCharles
Last NameDavis
SubjectComments COMPWOOD07
1.The process of testing and certifying CWP from the manufacturer
to the end user and the roles played by 3rd Party Certifiers,
independent test labs, quality control inspectors, ARB, etc. is a
bit complicated. I think a graphic or two showing the various
steps that have to be followed by manufactures, fabricators,
distributors, and retailers would help everyone understand how all
the pieces fit together. 

2.Has there been any thought to the importance of internet sales
of finished products made from CWP that do not meet emission
standards? We just finished testing a residential home that had a
very high formaldehyde concentration and found that in a 140ft2
office there was over 600 ft2 (surface area) of new imported
furniture that had been purchased via the internet. The individual
had no knowledge of emission problems with furniture made from CWP
and ordered it off the internet because it was a good deal and

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-02-03 11:28:21

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