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Comment 5 for Informational Update on the Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Standards Technology Review (evseupdate) - Non-Reg.

First NameSue
Last NameSaunders
SubjectComments on EVSE Standards Technology Review

I cannot emphasize enough the frustration EV drivers experience with non Tesla DC fast charging, especially lower income who drive earlier models that can only afford models whose batteries only have a low range of miles. Recently while charging I chatted with a driver who owned one of the first Leafs who told me he doesn't have the miles to experience a non-functioning charger and has spent hours on the phone with the company to get the charge to initiate. “I don’t regret driving an EV, but the chargers are a nightmare.”


Recently, I tried to help an older couple get a charge initiated for their brand new Ford Mach E. We were outside a Walmart in Santa Rosa baking in the sun. The husband had tried repeatedly to get the charger to start. He tried his app, he tried a credit card, and he tried plugging in again and again to get the machine to give him the miles he needed to get home after a trip to the wine country. He asked his wife to help and then grew frustrated and began to yell at her. I tried letting them use my app, but nothing worked.


Here was a couple trying to do the right thing by driving a car with zero emissions to fight climate change and air pollution. People doing the right thing shouldn’t have to suffer because our DCFC rollout causes doesn’t function. I have yet to meet an EV driver who isn’t angry and 20% go back to gas cars because of this. 


We have to have enforceable standards for any EVSE getting public and federal dollars. This means a mandatory escrow account with funds devoted to maintenance so the companies can’t ignore this critical component; mandatory reporting of data with a 97% uptime requirement. The Air Resource Board and the California Energy Commission need to commit to funding a unit charged with holding companies accountable. 


I recently drove to Santa Cruz and saw on my plug share app a fast charger I needed to get enough miles to reach my destination. The winding hills took me by surprise and quickly depleted my miles. When I got to the fast charger both wouldn’t start with either of my two credit cards or my app. I was down to thirty miles and that is a horrible feeling I have experienced several times because of broken or malfunctioning chargers. Luckily I could drive to another location with a charger that worked. 


We cannot go on like this and cannot expect an equitable transition to zero emission vehicles if this isn’t immediately fixed. Residents living in apartments or other Multi Unit Dwelling have no other option and depend on fast charging to work. Asking them to suffer from a dysfunctional system while homeowners have the luxury of charging at home isn’t just or fair. Companies need to fix their existing system before they receive any additional funding and then the funding provided must mandate a worry free infrastructure. Anything less is a recipe for a return to gas cars and allowing climate change and air pollution to destroy our state. This can be done and I fully expect it will be.




Susannah Saunders

Founder of Indivisible Ross Valley

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-04-28 10:53:06

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