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Comment 120 for Greenhouse Gas Heavy Duty Vehicles (SmartWay) (ghghdv08) - 45 Day.

First Namecurt
Last Namehoffman
Affiliationcalifornia sign assoc.
Subjectproposed arb regulations
I don't know what genius came up with the figures of financial
impact, but what is currently proposed will break the backs of
small business as a whole! Considering the economic times we all
have to deal with at present, we are struggling just to stay alive
and do not have the financial resources to implement the changes
required at this time or in the near future! We're laying off
people, reducing benefits, and generally cutting back just to stay
alive. I'm sure if this is implemented your going to see a
substantial loss of small business on a wholesale basis. This is
not what the State economy nor the people need right now. We can
put up with the air a while longer until the economy rebounds and
makes this a more practical solution.

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2008-12-10 11:46:22

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