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Comment 3 for (june252020opencomm) - Non-Reg.

First NameKristin
Last NameTupen
SubjectNew regulations for trucks
You people are just trying to kill the businesses in CA even
further with these new regulations regarding electric trucks! The
citizens of CA are drowning in taxes, high cost of living and
ridiculous new regulations regarding energy and emissions. 700,000
people moved out of this cesspool state last year and now more will
be as these new regulations just added more to the cost of living
which affects all of us, including the poor communities of color
that you are so worried about! Like the rest of us their costs will
go up too because businesses, that are left in CA, will pass the
costs of these trucks onto the consumer. CA use to be the most
business friendly state in the US, which is why my grandparents
moved here from Iowa in the 50's, but not anymore as you people who
are on the taxpayers dole and collecting a nice paycheck, with
retirement benefits, are putting all these unattainable mandates on
them. Your "renewable energy" mandates have led to this state
burning as forest fires caused by power lines being strung from
wind farms and hydro dams are igniting timber and biomass that are
littering our forest floors because we have no logging anymore
because the crazy environmentalists like you have shut them down
only to be replaced by illegal pot grows that leave pesticides,
human waste, trash in our forests that cause even more
environmental damage then the logging did! You people are so out of
touch with reality and those of us just trying to survive in this
state. You are a bunch of liberal government bureaucrats that use
junk science to further your own social justice and environmental
causes at the expense of the rest of us. I am a Social Worker and
live in the real world here in CA and you should come and join us
sometime so you know what the real world really looks like as these
new regulations are just going to drive more businesses and more
jobs out of this state. 

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2020-06-26 09:15:17

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