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Comment 1 for Onboard Diagnostic System Requirements Amendments (obd2021) - 15-1.

First Nameveronica
Last Namenazareth
Subject2nd hand smoke
Orange County has to make laws to ban smoking in units with shared
walls.  Everybody knows nicotine and other smoked or vaped
substances are damaging to one's health, especially second hand

I, for example, have neighbors that live next door to me in a
townhome community.  These neighbors smoke during the night when
most people are sleeping.  When a smoker smokes their tendency is
to exhale most of their smoke out onto others.  In my case, the
neighbors exhale their smoke and their pungent smelling breath.

I strongly urge that laws be put in place immediately to ban
smokers from smoking in shared wall units.

I also strongly urge that realtors disclose when there are smokers
in close proximity to the property they're trying to sell.

I've never smoked in my life and do not want to get cancer because
other people want to exhale their smoke and pungent breath towards
me while i'm sleeping.

Additionally, smoking has a negative effect on some people.  For
example, the second hand smoke can make somebody angry. 

Something has to be done now.  


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-02-18 21:47:26

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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