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Comment 8 for Open Comment for the October 27, 2022 Board Meeting (oct2022opencomm) - Non-Reg.

First NameMegan
Last NameWhitman
AffiliationPhysicians for Social Responsibility
SubjectAdvanced Clean Fleet rule

Good morning, My name is Dr. Meg Whitman and I am a primary care physician in 

Davis, CA, and a member of Physicians for Social Responsibility.  I am speaking today in support of the alternative plan to bring electric trucks to the road faster, to more quickly address the dangerous polluting trucks on our roads. We need 100% EV truck sales by 2036. and to reduce the priority fleets from 50 to 10 trucks for Class 7 & 8 tractor trailers


Californians are breathing the most polluted air in the country. Neighborhoods near warehouses and families living next to highways get the worst of it. The unfair exposure of these mostly BIPOC communities to toxic diesel exhaust pollution is a shockingly clear example of present day environmental racism. 


This board can swiftly bring polluting trucks into the future and achieve environmental justice by adopting the ACF Accelerated ZEV Transition Alternative that requires 100% electric truck sales by 2036. 


Why does air pollution matter to me, a mother and a primary care physician?


In Nov 2018, I was 7 months pregnant and practicing primary care in DT sacramento.   One day, the sun never rose and the sky remained dark; it was full of the the thick black toxic smoke from the CAMP Fire.  Maybe you remember where you were that day?  


Within a few hours, patients started to pour into the clinic, coughing and wheezing, desperate for oxygen.   Nurses triaged patients in the hallways and I moved as fast as my heavily pregnant body allowed; administering nebulizer after nebulizer treatment,  anxiously listening to the lungs of my struggling patients.  And every breath I took, I knew, was being directly transmitted to my unborn son. Eventually, the smoke overwhelmed our air filtration system, and it became too dangerous to breathe so we evacuated the clinic.   


 A few weeks later, I was awakened by the first sharp, terrifying contractions of preterm labor.   


That event showed me that doctors are, to be honest, a bit helpless when it comes to the severe health harms of air pollution.    We have some tools in our pockets - medications, nebulizers, masks - but the REAL POWER in protecting patients, by eliminating air pollution,  lies in YOUR hands. 


Please, protect my patients, my children, and you and your children by accelerating the ACF ZEV rule to 100% by 2036.  and  reducing the priority fleets from 50 to 10 trucks for Class 7 & 8 tractor trailers.

Thank you,

Dr. Meg Whitman


Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-10-27 17:09:40

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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