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Comment 1 for Proposed Research Projects for Fiscal Year 2023-2024 (researchplan2023) - Non-Reg.

First Namedavid
Last NamebezansonPhD
Subjectemissions of venting v flaring from fracking wells
Which has a higher GWP?

On the one hand, venting gasses are over 80% methane, which has a
20 year GWP that is 84 times higher than that of CO2. Because there
is no combustion, fewer toxic air contaminants (TAC) are created.
However, methane increases tropospheric ozone which is toxic to the
respiratory system.

In contrast, TAC co-pollutants are created by combustion during
flaring. These include PM, black carbon, and nitrogen oxides - each
of which has a higher GWP than that of CH4. (CO2 emitted can be
toxic and has a GWP of 1.) When the GWP of these TACs is added up,
is the GWP of the cocktail higher than that of CH4 from venting?



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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2023-01-15 17:27:57

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