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Comment 1 for Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) (scag2011) - Non-Reg.

First NameLance
Last NameDurr
SubjectSCAG Discussions
Please consider other points of view at these discussions.
Often, the result of the rulemaking process has caused much more
harm to the people and the environment that the regulations were
intended to help.
Greenhouse gas is based on an extremely weak hypothesis and suspect
data. The money being wasted on "global warming" could be used so
much more effectively fighting hunger, disease, improving third
would economies, and our own.
The high speed train, raising fuel prices, mandating renewable
energy (not really renewable), carbon credits, etc. are all paid by
the public in the end. Unfortunately the people with the fewer
resources will be hurt the most.
Frustration with most regulatory agencies, especially CARB, is
building throughout the public sector. Hopefully the pushback won't
undo some of the good things that have been accomplished. At the
same time, patience and the pursuit of true science and proven
sustainable solutions, will result in a better place to live for
everyone. CO2 is not a pollutant, greenhouse gases have a minimum
affect on global warming compared to H2O, and the anthropogenic
contribution to global warming is miniscule compared to nature
itself. Please slow down the regulatory costs to people and the
environment. Let true science develop answers and

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2011-02-18 20:24:21

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