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Comment 83 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameShelley
Last NameSnow
SubjectClimate Change

It is apparent that our country's ignoring climate change and putting off the necessary changes

to implement green energy is clearly biting us in ass and causing huge problems with our economy.

Profit over people and the earth we live on has been the greatest flaw in the Capitalist system which might

have worked with decent regulation.  But greed rules almost everything and all of us will pay the price.  This situation

in South America feels like it might have been planned all along and Putin and his war set off price gouging in the

oil business.  Now they can use everyone's pain at the pump to finally have the wedge the oil industry needed to

develop more oil fields.  It will be at great cost to the earth and our ability to live on this earth.  Apparently profit

is a greater incentive than the death of our planet and everything on it.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-13 13:03:39

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