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Comment for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameSharon
Last Namekaplan
Subject2022 California Climate Change Scoping Plan - No to all fossil fuel expansion
Dear California Air Resources Board:
We are in a climate emergency embedded in a larger environmental crisis. In addition to the grave threat of runaway global warming, additional environmental systems such as the biosphere, land use, biogeochemical flows, and others have begun to approach the safe space for life on earth have already gone past that boundary. It's time to take your job seriously. Here are the things you must address in the upcoming Climate Change Scoping Plan:
1. Include an aggressive campaign to address emissions from animal agriculture within our state. A narrow focus on fossil fuels will not prevent climate catastrophe. Nor will it effectively deal with the other environmental crises for which animal agriculture is the largest or one of the primary contributors. Other government agencies are tasked with protecting different aspects of our environment. Nevertheless, your action to curb greenhouse gas emissions from the industry that produces the most anthropogenic methane emissions worldwide (as well as other short-lived climate forcers and CO2) can have a positive rippling effect across the other areas of harm.
2. Insure that your campaign to address emissions from animal agriculture can be effective by including efforts to reduce production and consumption. Scientific studies conclude that production-side changes in animal agriculture will not reduce emissions sufficiently to stop runaway warming. We need to produce less food from animals or we won't make it. Tweaks like methane digesters and seaweed supplements will not solve the problem.
3. Stop pretending that California only needs to account for emissions created within our boundaries. California is a huge contributor to environmental damage caused outside of our borders. We cannot pretend that we are doing well for the cause of a habitable Earth if we only measure the damage we commit internally. You must start accounting for consumption-based harm, for example greenhouse gas emissions, water use, land use, and pollution from fossil fuels and animal products consumed in our state and produced elsewhere.
4. Rein in rogue refineries. Commit California to a policy/regulatory agenda that ensures that California refineries are not sourcing crude from regions where there are Indigenous rights violations or from regions where new oil drilling in the Amazon is being planned.
5. Don't punt your climate impacts to communities in the Amazon or elsewhere. Present a plan for California to reduce and/or eliminate its consumption of crude oil and rainforest beef from the Amazon. Consider appropriate ways to reduce imports of animal-based foods and oil from other regions of the world as well.
6. Commit California to new fuel efficiency standards and expanded electrification of fleets that consume the most Amazon oil. Expansion of EVs broadly, and public transportation goals to reduce domestic consumption equivalent to Amazon oil import totals.
Thank you for your consideration,
Sharon Kaplan

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-14 21:27:58

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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