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Comment 158 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameDarren
Last NameKloomok
Subject2022 California Climate Change Scoping Plan

I was appalled to learn, just now, that California consumes nearly 50% of the oil that is exported from the Amazon.  How is that possible?  I thought we were climate forward, but this means that not only are we going to be pumping more CO2 into the atmosphere when this oil is used, but we are decimating one of the most vital and endagered carbon capture regions of the world, and contributing to the destruction of the habitat of indigenous people.  As a citizen of California, I don't want to be complicit in this travesty.  CARB must regulate the rogue refineries to make sure they are not sourcing oil from this area. 

I just read that Bill McKibben's seminal environmental book, "The End of Nature," was written in 1989, which means that we have failed for over thirty years to address our need to end the destruction of our precious Earth.  There is no time to waste, and everyone who does not do everything they can to fight fossil fuel expansion: expanding fuel efficiency; committing to the electrification of public fleets; reducing energy imperialism, is a villain and must be shamed.

I beg you.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-16 16:39:52

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