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Comment 485 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameKatharine
Last NameHarrison
Affiliationprivate citizen of California
SubjectCARB scoping plan


I’m a retired teacher, homeowner, parent, and volunteer climate activist from San Diego. The pace with which CARB, California, the nation, and the world is addressing the reduction of greenhouse gases is FAR TOO SLOW to address the true nature of the climate emergency. The more I witness and learn about what I see us doing to our world, the more alarmed I become. I urge you to make the CARB scoping plan big and bold to match the magnitude of the crisis. Specifically, I request that the plan allow no new investments in fossil fuel drilling or piping, promote greater investment in renewables, including a build out of rooftop solar, call for carbon neutrality by 2035 as Governor Newsom has asked, not 2045, and focus heavily on a fast transition to transit-based transportation and zero-emission vehicles of all classes.  We need to phase out gas distribution and gas appliances as soon as possible, no later than 2045, and not promote carbon capture and storage as they are unproven and give the fossil fuel industry an excuse to keep drilling, piping, and polluting. WE ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME.  Please plan accordingly!

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-22 15:47:40

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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