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Comment 502 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameAmanda
Last NameMillstein
SubjectCARB Scoping Plan

Dear Members of the California Air Resources Board,


Hello. My name is Dr. Amanda Millstein and I am a primary care pediatrician in Richmond in Northern California. 


The community I care for is highly impacted by fossil fuels as well as by climate change. Many of my patients and their families live and go to school within the shadows of oil and gas refineries. People in Richmond suffer at rates of asthma twice the national average. From one of the exam rooms in my clinic I can see the plume from the Chevron refinery. Over my last 3 years of providing care in Richmond I have lost count of the number of families I have cared for who ask me when – not if – their children will develop asthma. 


Climate change - primarily driven by the combustion of fossil fuels - is an existential threat to the health of every child alive today. According to the World Health Organization, more than 88% of the existing burden of disease attributable to climate change occurs in children younger than 5 years of age. In order to limit warming and avoid the worst impacts of climate change, we must stop extracting fossil fuels. 


CARB is charged with protecting the public from the harmful effects of air pollution and developing actions to fight climate change. This draft Scoping Plan does neither of these. 


Instead, the Scoping Plan should include the following:


  1. Plan for a full, coordinated phase out of fossil fuels, with targets for oil refining by 2045 and oil and gas extraction by 2035 (starting within 3200 foot setback from homes, schools, hospitals and other sensitive receptors).

  2. Transition to clean, non-polluting zero-emission electric grid by 2035. 

  3. Develop an equitable pathway to building decarbonization retrofits in addition to mandating building electrification in new construction. Phase out sales of new gas appliances by 2030 and ensure a full decommissioning of the gas distribution system by 2045. 

  4. Accelerate and scale up investments in clean vehicles and mass transit. Plan for 100% zero emission transit buses and drayage trucks by 2030 and 100% zero emission medium- and heavy-duty truck sales by 2035. Plan for 30% reduction in vehicle mile traveled (VMT) by 2035, and incorporate health cost savings from VMT reduction (increased physical activity) in your cost analysis. 

  5. Eliminate reliance on climate policy dead ends, such as expensive, risky and unproven carbon capture, storage and utilization (CCUS) and Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) which introduce a new set of public health hazards. 

  6. Prioritize strategies that lead to urgent direct emission reductions rather than relying on ‘carbon neutrality’ based on climate policy deadends and unrealistic levels of direct air capture in 2045.

  7. Implement a just transition for every worker, and community, to ensure a healthy and sustainable future for all.

The science is clear. We have a terrifyingly short period of time in which to stop burning fossil fuels. It is time to meet the urgency of the climate crisis by prioritizing the frontline communities it impacts the most. We need to phase out fossil fuels, and we need to start with sacrifice zones - like where I work - to right the environmental injustice. Real climate solutions are clean air and public health solutions. My patients – our children – are waiting. 



Amanda Millstein, MD

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-22 19:22:10

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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