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Comment 3 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameFatima
Last NameIqbal-Zubair
SubjectCarb please initiate just transition away from oil

My name is Fatima Iqbal-Zubair and I am a member of Communities for a Better Environment, resident of South central LA, former teacher in Watts, current member of the executive board of the  California Democratic Party, and Southern California Vice Chair of the Progressive Caucus.


In my experience, living in a district with a large concentration of refineries and oil drilling has negatively impacted my family, my son, my students by increasing our health issues and lowering our life expectancies. It is a clear exhibition of environmental racism and we need to transition away from our dependence on oil for this reason.


CalEnviroScreen mapping shows that most census tracts surrounding refineries are communities of color, low-income, and some of the highest percentile exposures to Toxic Releases in the state. We urge you to safeguard generations living in Wilmington, Southeast Los Angeles and throughout California from fossil fuel pollution and climate disaster. 



CARB has failed to recognize that its own plan for transportation means we won’t need refineries by 2045 in California. It only makes sense for CARB to create a plan for gradual phase-out of refineries by 2045 throughout California so that we can rebuild clean healthy communities.


Every California refinery studied during a South Coast District regulation had limited space available to add new pollution controls for NOx. But now the oil industry pretends it can add lots of carbon capture equipment and make climate impacts go away. Trying to force widespread carbon capture equipment into refineries increases hazards. And Carbon Capture is a false solution that will only delay the transition away from fossil fuel production. The money spent on carbon capture and sequestration creates new dangers, and would be much better spent investing in a phase out of fossil fuel operations including refineries before 2045. 


By investing in carbon capture at refineries, CARB is padding the profits of big oil and guaranteeing that refineries continue to operate for years to come while greenwashing their operations.


We demand better- resources and money invested in a just transtion away from oil operations towards renewable energey, and a clean future.


Thank you,

Fatima Iqbal-Zubair 



Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-23 08:02:19

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