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Comment for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameAida
Last NameMarina
SubjectCut the Supply and Demand for Amazon Crude

As the top consumer of Amazon oil, the state of California is driving new oil drilling in the region. With national protests happening in Ecuador currently calling on protection of the Amazon and Indigenous rights, I call on governments driving up demand for crude oil to take positive action. The current scoping plan from CARB (California Air Resources Board) has plans to double fossil fuel infrastructure in the state while continuing to import Amazon oil. 

It is Urgent that we must:

  • Rein in rogue refineries. Commit California to a policy/regulatory agenda that ensures that California refineries are not sourcing crude from regions where there are Indigenous rights violations or from regions where new oil drilling in the Amazon is being planned.
  • Don’t punt California’s climate impacts to communities in the Amazon. Present a plan for California to reduce and/or eliminate its consumption of crude from the Amazon.
  • Commit California to new fuel efficiency standards and expanded electrification of fleets that consume the most Amazon oil.

- I and many others are extremely concerned that California consumes nearly 50% of all oil exports from the Amazon globally (nearly 1 in 9 gallons pumped in-state on average).

- We call upon the California Air Resources Board (CARB) to not become complicit in driving new oil drilling in the Amazon, and that they must step forward to regulate refineries’ crude sources and volumes.

- We Urgently recommend that CARB also take steps to ensure California refineries are not sourcing crude oil from regions where human rights violations are occurring with impunity; and require refineries to ensure they will not source crude from areas of new drilling in the Amazon, now or in the future.

- Crude oil from the Ecuadorian region of the Amazon is refined in California, selling to thousands of businesses and millions of Californians as fuel. Unfortunately, there are plans to expand oil production in Ecuador - "thanks" to the demand from Calfornia - meaning over 8 million acres of roadless rainforest will be leasted for oil development.  

However, at the present time, we have little time at a chance to ensure fossil fuel expansion is not taking place in either California nor the Amazon.

I am a California resident and submitting my comment to urge CARB that any climate change plans being considered, and going forward, should restrict fossil fuel expansion – domestically and globally. CARB can require refineries to put Indigenous rights screens in place and mechanisms to ensure that oil will not be sourced from new drilling in the Amazon.

As extraction communities in California and Indigenous communities both face ongoing oil spills and pollution, it’s important that the state doesn’t rely on increasing domestic production in order to reduce its use of Amazon crude. We need a just and sustainable future that doesn’t involve fossil fuel expansion at home or in the Amazon. 

During the past week at the Summit of the Americas, we put the Linked Fates of California and the Amazon on the forefront.  Now we must build on this progress by pushing for policy change. We must call for stronger policies to end U.S. and California's complicity in new oil drilling in the Amazon once and for all.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-20 10:13:07

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