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Comment 90 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameLinda
Last NameRudolph
SubjectScoping Plan Comments


As a public health physician, I am deeply concerned that the scenario selected by staff is not sufficiently ambitious in addressing the climate health emergency; Scenario 3 focuses on the longest time horizon under consideration and offers fewer overall health benefits than rejected scenarios.


·       The health analysis is limited in scope and incomplete. Health advocates have long called on CARB to use a more comprehensive health analysis in developing this and previous scoping plans.   We are confident that doing so would have led to a more ambitious draft, and urge the Board to rectify this omission.

·       The proposal fails to optimize near-term health and equity benefits of climate policies . To do so the Board should place more emphasis on near-term direct emissions reduction strategies and reduce reliance on costly and unproven technologies removal that may worsen toxics exposures for frontline communities.

·       If the Board chooses to include significant reliance on CCS in the final plan, it is imperative that you also incorporate meaningful safeguards to protect community health and to prohibit the use of CCS to extend the life of fossil fuel infrastructure or to expand extraction or production of fossil fuesl.


·       There is a critical gap between intention and action steps to building healthy, sustainable communities for all Californians. I urge that the plan incorporate clear accountability measures to ensure state agency alignment of transportation funding with climate and health goals. 


  Thank you for the opportunity to comment, and I look forward to working  with you to create a more ambitious,  health-protective and

equitable final scoping plan.  

Original File Name
Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-23 13:38:48

If you have any questions or comments please contact Clerk of the Board at (916) 322-5594.

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