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Comment 205 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameMatthew
Last Named'Alessio

I urge CARB to accelerate its plans to reach carbon neutrality. Given the speed that climate change is ravaging our state, CARB's draft scoping plan is simply insufficient. 

WE need to:

* eliminate our dependence on oil and gas for transportation of people and goods with a goal of all new vehicles being carbon free by 2030

* invest in building decarbonization with the goal of eliminating natural gas statewide by 2035

* halt all new oil and gas exploration and expansion

* develop timelines for the decommission of refineries and natural gas power plants that match the decrease in demand. Invest in retraining and supporting displaced workers as part of this plan. 

It's time to be ambitious. The climate crisis looms and I want to see California leading the way with actions, not just it's rhetoric. 

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-24 09:48:06

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