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Comment 209 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameDr Jane
Last NamePerry Ph.D.
Affiliation1000 Grandmothers For Fututre Generation
Subject2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan


I write to you on the Solstice, the longest day of the year, in a 100 degree heat wave with poor air quality while a heat wave continues in So Cal and the Imperial County records the nation’s highest temperature yesterday. Our climate emergency is forcing us to rebalance and realign. I hope you both, your children, your future grandchildren, your extended families and staff are all safe, healthy, and have everything you all need.

You have the chance to ensure an equitable phaseout for refinery communities and to speed up the timeline for an oil and gas drilling phaseout. I call on you both to revise the climate scoping plan so that it meets the scale and urgency of the climate crisis and environmental racism here in California:

Equitable fossil fuel phaseout of oil and gas wells by 2035, a refinery phaseout by 2045, and a clean grid by 2035.

Investment in clean and reliable transportation for ALL in this year's Scoping Plan.

Cut climate dead-ends, such as carbon capture, usage & sequestration (CCUS).

I work with children in Richmond’s Iron Triangle, the heart of one of America's toughest inner-city neighborhoods. I am an expert in outdoor play. In the Iron Triangle, these are the children and families most affected by continued refinery flares, fires and vehicle emissions. I am deeply concerned about the harm to these children and their families. We have a drill at the park: shelter in the office when we receive an alert of a refinery incident. This is a frightening experience for the children and adults. It is these children whose exposure to the particulates in the air make them susceptible to breathing problems. Can you imagine a child being hampered from riding a zipline, swinging on disk swings, playing soccer and running after the butterflies in our gardens because of asthma due to poor air quality? Or the adults, family members and the park staff, who are fiercely loyal to the neighborhood they have grown up in, who struggle for breath and their very lives by the area’s high pulmonary disease, neurological disorders and high cancer rates? The children tell me how they notice the strains of the adults in their world. This frightful quality of life for Richmond families and many, many California families is unacceptable.

I know you understand: We live in a time that requires courage for all of us to reimagine what needs to happen for us to survive. Join me in envisioning a future that is healthy and sustainable and stay away from a state climate plan with costly, proven-to-be-dangerous carbon capture, usage and sequestration, so that the Richmond children I see on a zipline, swinging, playing soccer, writing and painting love to their dad and mom, cooking pretend tacos and fresh garden salads, building Lego flying ships and little homes, and meditating in scientific water pouring will share in your own families’ future, because we are all together.

Will you help California achieve our climate goals by including the priorities above in this year’s Scoping Plan? Thank you and stay safe.

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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-24 10:03:52

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