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Comment 262 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameMuriel
Last NameStrand
Affiliationretired Air Resources Engineer
SubjectCEQA Analysis

CEQA and I have been acquainted for about 3 decades. Hearing during today's insightful discussion that today was the deadline to comment on the CEQA analysis of the scoping plan, I have a couple of thoughts to share even though I have not looked at one word of this CEQA analysis.

Considering all the political angst surrounding CEQA processes over the years, and our history of fossil fuel addiction...

This chapter of history starts with industries using fossil fuels to facilitate various projects for profit and comfort, using them in ways that are at best inconsistent and at worse outright very harmful to the natural biological world. The results prompt various regulations attempting to rein in and compensate for the side effects of these various profitable projects, and now we are in a situation where our economy is covered with hundreds of bandaids.

So it's not surprising we have not been making much progress towards various environmental goals. To the extent that this CEQA analysis assumes we will continue with the same industrial and commercial processes as were developed with the parameter of cheap fossil fuel energy, it is not including the most effective and sensible possible choice and path of action.

Our situation is analogous to that of a fat man with a closet full of beautiful clothes, fine fabrics from every continent and fiber, exquisitly tailored and accessorized, an outfit for every occasion, etc., that this man is very very fond of. But for his health, he has slimmed down, and now his clothes are far too big. But he loves them just the same.

So he must choose between wearing his beautiful clothes that fit him like a glove, that he has devoted much time and energy to acquiring, by wearing many layers underneath, or balloons, or something like a theatrical 'fat suit.'

Or he can bite the bullet and get some new clothes.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-06-24 13:20:31

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