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Comment 42 for 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan (scopingplan2022) - Non-Reg.

First NameRita
Last NameClement
SubjectDraft 2022 Climate Change Scoping Plan


We demand immediate action to work toward carbon neutrality by 2035 or sooner.  Focus on the fact that we are facing challenges from climate change created by our lifestyles.  We must reduce carbon pollution by incentivizing new technologies.  Do not rely on untested old ideas. Carbon capture and storage does not work and diverts funding from solutions that do work. Exclude green hydrogen injections into the methane pipeline system. This only prolongs our dependence on fossil fuels. We must act now to meet our 2035 deadline or our lack of courage will lead us to life on an unlivable planet.  Invest in renewable energy sources such as rooftop solar and large scale industrial solar projects.  Enact legislation prohibiting the building of more oil drilling infrastructure.  Instead, cap those orphan wells! Preserve our carbon sinks and encourage regenerative agriculture.

Racial injustice shines a light on income inequality.  Do we build fossil fuel infrastructure in wealthy communities? Why are low income communities of color the site for oil drilliing infrastructure?

We need to turn to wind power for renewable energy. Build the windmills offshore instead of oil rigs.


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Date and Time Comment Was Submitted 2022-05-31 21:03:52

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